Providing Children's Residential Care Placements for Local Authorities

  • Proudly serving the community
  • OFSTED registered provision
  • Passionate about creating a home for our young people
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Our Services

We offer a broad range of people focused services

Warm welcome from the team at Contemporary Concept Care Group providing Children's Residential Care Placements for Local Authorities.

We are an OFSTED registered provider of children's social care services.

At our provisions we are passionate about creating homes for our young people which they are proud of and invested in. Both of our children's homes based in the North West, can provide care for up to 2 young people between the ages of 5 and 17 with Emotional, behavioural, Social Difficulties. Our staffing is flexible and can be tailored to meet the need of the young people we support.

Who we are

A compassionate team of individuals that are dedicated to making change

Our team are carefully selected from all different backgrounds, ethnicities and religions to ensure we create a home that is diverse and welcoming to all.

The team have a vast amount of experience across many industries and fully complement each other providing holistic, nurturing, supportive, innovative and tailored care packages designed to overcome barriers to learning.

We value our team, recognise each individual and the talents they have, We aim to get to know and understand each team member and how they can enhance our service for the Young People we support. The team are trusted to create planned innovative opportunities for our young people to thrive.

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For questions about our services get in touch using whichever contact method suits you best.